Christian Mystic David Hoffmeister


During his lifetime, Christian mystic david hoffmeister led an extensive, global spiritual teaching ministry. The teachings he shared span all traditions, yet are uniquely accessible to everyone through common ground like mindful movie-watching and the shift from a Newtonian to quantum world view. He also encourages the pursuit of personal Enlightenment through a practice of forgiveness and non-duality. He has never charged for his teachings, relying on the principle that “freely you have received; freely give.” Today his teachings are available through an enormous online ministry of audio and video forums, publications, inspirational gatherings using music and movies for Awakening, live stream web events, and retreats at the Living Miracles Monastery in Utah.

Mysticism is the sense of contact with the divine or transcendent, often understood in Christian tradition as involving union with God. It has played an important role throughout the history of Christian religion and continues to be a vital influence in modern times. Scholars have studied mysticism from a variety of perspectives, including psychological, comparative, and philosophical. Some seek to find a common core of mysticism, while others emphasize that experience and interpretation are generally tied to specific religious faiths and contingent upon their teachings.

Several theologians Christian mystic david hoffmeister have evaluated the role of mysticism in Christianity. Many Protestant thinkers, from Albrecht Ritschl and Adolf von Harnack to Karl Barth and Rudolf Bultmann, have denied mysticism an integral role in Christianity, arguing that it is an import from Greek thought incompatible with saving faith in the Gospel message. Other theologians, including Ernst Troeltsch and Evelyn Underhill, have been more sympathetic.

A number of modern spiritual teachers are categorized as mystics. In addition to traditional Christian paths, they are drawn from such diverse traditions as Hinduism, Sufi Islam, and the New Age. Some have written books and recorded audio and video recordings based on their own direct experiences of mysticism. Many have founded religious organizations, offering a variety of programs, from meditation groups to workshops and retreats.

While David Hoffmeister has been influenced by a variety of spiritual paths, his teachings are centered in A Course in Miracles and its non-dual path of forgiveness and non-duality. His practical approach to the Course, backed by extensive hermitage and travel experiences, has led to a broad outreach that includes worldwide communities of spiritual seekers. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all who encounter his teachings.

Those who are drawn to the mystical teachings of A Course in Miracles find a supportive community in Living Miracles, an international organization that provides a variety of online and in-person spiritual gatherings. These include discussion forums, online live streaming web events, a book club, a prayer and support line, and an international monastic community that oversees the Living Miracles Monastery in rural Utah. Many of these events and gatherings focus on the profound teachings about the function of forgiveness and the shift from a Newtonian perspective to a quantum worldview.

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