How to Configure Master-Master Replication


To configure master-master replication, follow these steps:

First, connect to your remote MySQL instance. Configure replication functionality. You will need to change the bind-address configuration to use private IP addresses. In addition, change the value of auto_increment_increment to the number of servers. In an example with two servers, change x.x.x.x to two. For more than two servers, increase the value. Then, run the following command to test replication.

You can also use the multi-master configuration. In this configuration, you will configure each master to update the data on other servers. The masters keep a change log on each instance and send replication updates to other masters and consumers. If one master becomes unavailable or unable to serve write requests, a failover occurs automatically. In a geographically distributed environment, a local master can be configured to make updates.

To configure MySQL Master-Master replication, you must have two different server systems and IP addresses. Neither server must be identical, but it should be running the same version of MySQL Server. Make sure to assign two different IP addresses to each server. If both servers are identical, the replication will not be successful. Once you've completed this step, you should configure the replication between the master servers and slaves. And, finally, make sure to create two master environments.

Once you've configured the master-master replication, you should check the database tables on each server. MySQL master1 will create a database with MariaDB and insert values into the table. Master2 will then create a database with the same name. And if the master database is updated, the slave server will see those values as well. You can check the master database and slave database by running a test replication on each server.

MySQL master-master replication enables two or more master MySQL servers to share data. The slave server does not have to be connected to the master all the time. MySQL master-master replication can be used for DR, data security, and reporting purposes, and reduces the load on the production server. To Configure Master-Master Replication, you must set up two servers, one as a master and one as a slave server. A server with binlog enabled and a unique server id are mandatory requirements.

You must set up two CentOS machines for MySQL master-master replication. You must also enable MariaDB service on both master-master machines. Afterward, enable MySQL service on each master server. You can also enable replication by setting up the corresponding gtid_mode and gtid_consistency system variables. Make sure you have all of these configuration parameters set before starting the master-master replication.

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