Book Review: Sarana 99 by Sunny Lee


The bestselling author, Sarana99 by Sunny Lee, is the first fully-illustrated YA novel I have read in a long time. It is a gorgeously illustrated, suspense-filled novel that kept me riveted to the end. In fact, I wanted to read it again right after reading it. It is very different from most modern YA novels and still very captivating.

In this novel, the young, handsome government contractor, Jordon, plays an important role as he falls under the tutelage of his older half-brother,aggerate, and dangerous poker player, Sam. Their uncles are both incredibly rich, and they use their wealth to employ a team of experts, including two ex-cop cops, Jordon's best friend, and a Chinese language translator to translate secret dealings going on between the Chinese and the Japanese counterparts of the Karate and Poker Games. When a shipment of Chinese rare stamps is intercepted, and its contents are taken by Sam, Jordon is tasked by his half-sister, Sarana, to recover them and deliver them safely to the corresponding places on time. With the help of his new friend, Alex (Shawn Ashmore), who acts as a go-between for the group, Jordon realizes that Sam is involved in something behind his back. When Jordon learns that his half-sister is being held prisoner in China, he frantically tries to save her before she is sent away, and the pair of ex-convict ex-policemen, Shawn and Greg (both played by Lee) join forces to free her.

Although the plot is rather basic, there is definitely more spice than your usual police action. Although this book is mostly centered on the love triangle involving the main characters, it doesn't neglect to give the readers some other titillating and enlightening scenes. The main dynamic between Jordon and Sam is how they perceive each other as well as how their contrasting views affect each other and the relationship. Although it's easy to put two men together, the difference between them is what makes their relationship a little more complex.

The story line of this book starts with Jordon and Sam meeting each other after months of being apart. Arriving at a train station in the morning, Sam quickly gets suspicious when a man wearing only a white sheet and a gun shop girl tries to sell him a Chinese rare stamp. He doesn't have much money, so he accepts the money. However, when Sam goes back home, he finds that the stamp has changed into a famous Chinese proverbs with a meaning completely opposite from that which Sam had believed.

Jordon is soon told that he is the grandfather of the late archaeologist and author Dr. Wu who discovered the mysterious "Xuan Xian" (The Red Sage). When Sam finds out that his wife is actually the daughter of the late Xian's lover, she flees from him. On her way out, Sam finds Wu studying a book in the library. He tells Sam about the book and asks for the help of the late archaeologist to translate the meaning of one of the poems it contains. To complicate matters, Sam falls in love with the archaeologist and decides to marry him.

The story line of this novel is very romantic. It involves a lot of travel, and there are many words that are written in Chinese that you won't understand unless you are Chinese. However, for all the engrossing aspects of the plot, it's the excellent descriptions of Chinese culture and the blending of English with Chinese that make Sarana99 stand out among its many competitors. It's recommended to readers who enjoy travel fiction and have an interest in ancient history, especially of the Western civilization.

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